1. What is it?
This blog is a dating challenge where 4 women in four different cities must go on at least 12 dates in 4 months, for a total of (at least) 50 first dates (we're not bad at math, we just like round figures).

2. Who are you?
We are lovely single ladies in our our mid/late 20's. We all live in separate cities - New York, Washington, Honolulu, and London. We each know someone else in the group, but don't all know each other. We're all bored/tired/fed up/disillusioned with the dating scene and hopefully this little challenge will shake things up a little!

3. What do you mean, "date"?
Sigh. Between "drinks" and "coffees" and "hang outs" this is a pretty complicated question! For now, we'll qualify a date as a designated meeting wherein both parties have romantic intentions.

4. How do you meet people?
To up the "challenge" factor, we can meet people in any way we can, but only 6 dates can be found online. This is meant to get us outside our comfort zones and "put ourselves out there" (ugh - hate that term!) in ways we normally wouldn't do.

5. What if you meet someone before the challenge is over?
Gosh, we have no idea. For now, we're gonna call that a "burden of privilege" and deal with it on a case-by-case basis. But generally, we can only drop out of the challenge if we're in a relationship, and that usually doesn't happen after Date #1.